I figured it was time to start a blog. Now y'all be gentle with me this is my first time at writing. So, here goes.
The Beginning
Momma Shell's has been a dream of mine since I was around 8 or 9. My momma cooked all the time. Whether it was dinner, baking bread, or chili on the woodstove. Y'all you haven't had bread till it's cooked on a woodstove! I would stand next to her by the stove and watch her every move. I wanted to be just like her. If I am half the cook or woman she is that would be great.
Stepping Out

I can honestly say Momma Shell's took off faster than I ever expected! The first time my phone made that high pitch sound (indicating we had our first order), my family and I squealed. Or I squealed! They looked at me and laughed! Starting this company has been a crazy experience. This photo was taken five days after going live on all social media and telling friends and family. We went from zero orders to 17 a day! Crazy, right?!
I have learned a lot over the past three months. I was learning how to bake large quantities, packing orders, shipping, delivering, and advertising. Stress levels where high many times. At one point, my phone kept repeatedly dinging, which was a great thing, but I sat at the table and cried. My poor family just stopped and looked at me. Thankfully we have raised four beautiful kids because as soon as they saw I was crying, they immediately started encouraging me, "Momma, it's okay we got this," or Mom, don't cry, we will help you." And they did without hesitation.
Ever hear the phrase "We are our own worst critics," well, I have to be the worst. One thing I have always doubted was myself. So naturally, I never thought my cookies were just plain cookies, nothing special. I never believed they would be anything else. But over time, I started praying if this was the journey God wanted me on. And I can wholeheartedly say yes. Yes, I am to use the gift he has given me and touch others. I have always loved doing, whether cooking, baking, or helping someone is putting a smile on their face. And getting a box of fresh and warm homemade cookies does just that!